Now that every component are ready, we can update the main configuration file /etc/hcw-athome/hcw-athome.conf. Most of the part are self explanatory, you are free to adjust according to your specific configuration.

Also adjust the socket or port Clamav can be reached. If you use socket, you might need to first add HCW@Home system user to Clamav group to be able to communicate with the Daemon.

adduser hcwhome clamav

Check now the socket path, by default it should be /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl, so you can adjust this path in HCW@home configuration with this command.

sed -i 's|/var/run/clamd.scan/clamd.sock|/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl|g' /etc/hcw-athome/hcw-athome.conf

Once updated, you can restart and check for logs with the following commands.

systemctl enable --now hcw-athome
systemctl restart hcw-athome

Check logs

journalctl -f -u hcw-athome -n 200

If you see the following line, it means your server is ready.

Aug 23 13:15:33 hcw-athome-dev node[546330]: debug: -------------------------------------------------------
Aug 23 13:15:33 hcw-athome-dev node[546330]: debug: :: Wed Aug 23 2023 13:15:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Aug 23 13:15:33 hcw-athome-dev node[546330]: debug: Environment : production
Aug 23 13:15:33 hcw-athome-dev node[546330]: debug: Port : 1337
Aug 23 13:15:33 hcw-athome-dev node[546330]: debug: -------------------------------------------------------
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